Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sambal Tumis Sotong

Last night I made sambal tumis sotong for dinner. I'm not a really good cook but I'm slowly learning :) So I'd just like to share how I cooked this dish with you. Ready? Here we go!

  1. Tumiskan bawang putih, bawang merah, halia
  2. Masukkan cili blend
  3. Masukkan sotong slices
  4. Masukkan air asam
  5. Tambah air jika perlu
  6. Masukkan sikit garam, gula, ajinomoto sehingga cukup rasa
  7. Optional: masukkan telur, gaul
  8. Tunggu sehingga masak, hidang!
And you're done! And then it's supposed to look like this:

Well, mine kind of looked a little less pretty than this hehe. Still learning!

Okay that's all. I hope this recipe is simple enough for you to follow (if you're a beginner like me). Until next time!


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